Friday, November 28, 2008
SOOOO Happy Thanksgiving Mom and Dad!!
I have heard from my aunt as well. She is finally on the road to recover!!! It was great to talk to her and hear her sound like herself again.
I DID it!! I hit $1819.00 in sales for Tupperware this month! I will get the sauce pan for free!! amd a bonus check for $90.00 not too bad!!! I also got a lot of free Tupperware this month. I am waiting for my Mod Mates to come in!!!
On tap for the weekend is friends coming over for drinks in the evening... we are looking forward to this. All we have to do to get ready is pick up a bit which is great. On Sunday I have a Tupperware meeting in the AM. I am going because I am hoping that I am in the top 10 for sales this month and get some free stuff again. After that.. NOTHING... which is of course a great Sunday.
My niece Katie is at her basketball game right now in Springfield!! Its her first game of the season and I hope she does well.......
OK.. bye for now
Friday, November 21, 2008

Emma is sleeping and I am watching Lipstick Jungle. I have a nail appointment in the morning .. thank god because I have a bunch of broken nails and that sooooo isn't like me.. UGH..
night night
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I have no idea what is for dinner tonight. We may grab a bit out in town. I asked hubby to take something out but of course he didn't remember.. ugh.. men
ok.. that is all for now.. I am frustrated for no reason
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Emma is a bit tired today. By the time we got home it was late and she was very tired. She went to bed without making a sound. I called to check on her at daycare today and she is being a good girl. Jack is off to Boston area for work today. I think that I will do that trip with him one day too .. I do love Boston
Tuppware .. nothing new on that front. I have a party booked for Friday unless she reschedules. I still haven't heard from her.
bye bye for now
Monday, November 17, 2008
I came home only to head out again to meet up with Carole and the kids for a bit to eat. We had a nice time and they came by the house after to hang out. Emma loves to have them here. She was so crazy excited to see them that I was happy they came over after.
I have the day off tomorrow too and Jack and I are going to NY City. I am looking forward to this and hope that I get to see some great places. I haven't never been to the city I am sure it will be great. Fingers crossed for good weather.
Tupperware!! I have put in my $1000 order and now just have to wait for it to arrive. I also need to get the invite list for the party that book from that one.. I am pretty happy about that. I have go also get address for my nail girls party still. I don't know if we are going to get this party together or not.UGH... positive thinking we will and she will be able to get all the orange stuff that only a host can get.
Ok... bye for now.
Emma and I are home together today!! We are running some arrands, stopping at my work and then off to the mall. I really don't care what I do as long as I am hanging out with my baby.
Jack is in NY today. Tomorrow him and I are off to NY City I am pretty excited about that!!
Ok.. I will blog more later.. Have to get ready
Saturday, November 15, 2008

This is one of the pictures of Emma at a week old. We had Adam over for a visit and it made me miss her being this small... so I thought I would look back..... :)
I am at work right now till noon. Then home. Plans for today are none. Carole and I may go visit my Aunt in the hospital... oh that reminds me I better have hubby take something out for dinner.
I am so happy that I only have to work till noon and then don't have to work again until Wednesday. YIPPEE!!!! Jack and I are going to NY City on Tuesday so that is exciting being I really have never been.
Tupperware.... tomorrow is my party. The host has 10-15 people coming which should be GREAT. I really am hoping for a good party in sales and bookings. I feel that it is time to step up my game. We will see how I do. Carole and I are going to try and do a tag team party ... I think that would be great fun.
Ok.... I am out I have an 1 1/2 hrs to go and then my weekend starts....
Friday, November 14, 2008
Tupperware is moving a long. I have my party on Sunday! and hope very much for a good turn out and cross my fingers (and toes) someone books a party. I also have one set for Friday and she may reschedule it. I hope that I can get it in in November I want so bad to get the sauce pan for free!!!
Emma is doing great. I had ordered some Tupperware and it came in a good size box. WELL that box is the best thing she has gotten in a long time.. she just loves it. OMG.. she is so funny. She even put all her babies in it with her.... toooooo cute for words..
I think Jack and I are going to try and put all the stuff on the deck away this weekend... but if it rains I don't think that is going to happen.. ugh.. mother nature !
Ok.. maybe I will post tomorrow while I am at work.... otherwise I will catch you on the flip side
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
When I got home from the doctors on Monday I told Jack I didn't feel well. Low and behold I was very sick on Monday night. I believe the 24hr flu.. UGH. I am at work today (yesterday I was off because the college was closed for V'day) I feel better but not 100%.
What the week head has in store? Tonight Jack is going to visit a friend and tomorrow him and Fuzzy Mike are cleaning up the garage. Lets home that means I can park in there when the snow flies. Friday I may or may not have a Tupperware party for Liz. Saturday I have to work from 9-12 but the good thing about that is I am off on Monday and Tuesday next week. YIPPEE..
On the Tupperware front. I am looking for someone to host a Black Friday party!! Come on people!!! Also hoping to get a few people to go to the Bingo on the 20th... we will see...
Ok.. that is about it.
Bye for now
Friday, November 7, 2008
Didn't do much today. Didn't go to work... bad headache. Sat around and didn't do much. I did clean the house a bit so that I is one less thing to do for tomorrow.
Tomorrow we are off to the craft fairs all around town!! I also have a Tupperware party that I hope is still on but I will know soon!!
Night Night
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Emma was up last night from 10:00 till 1:00am. I don't know why she just didn't want to settle down. She hung out on my bed and we watched TV. She was so sweet just sitting there. She even dosed off for a bit but then woke up crying. I hope it was just last night and it will pass. She will be 18 months old on Saturday and her doctors appointment is Monday so we will see how she is doing.
On the Tupperwar front. I am worried about my party tomorrow night. I wonder if anyone will show for it. It was a small guest list and the host hasn't heard anything from anywho yet. UGH.. My party for Saturday may not happen now because the poor girl's apartment has a big leak and the landlord isn't working on fixing it in a timely fashion. I do have the guest list for my parties on the 14th and 16th already so that is a big plus!
Ok.. that is all for now. Its 11:15 and I have some crap ass work to get down.. ugh
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tupperware. We have a new sales flyer coming out and its great. I did earn a great piece of Tupperware for $10 in a challege last month. I also earned the 11 pcs freezer set for a good price because of a sales challenge. I am unsure what I will do with it at this point but we will see.
We went out to dinner last night for chinese food!!! so I dont' know hat Emma and I will do tonight we will see. I will get her at about 4ish and being its so nice out I might take her to the park.
ok.. so back to the grind with work.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Emma is great. We had a nice night last night. She is just a dream as always. Jack is headed to NJ so its going to be just her and I for a few days. Maybe we will do some chinesse for dinner tomorrow!!!
Tupperware.... nothing new to report.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tupperware. Went to the monthly meeting and I was 4th in the top 10 sales people for the month!!! I am pretty happy about that. I also won some nice prizes. I have a party on Friday and Saturday this week!
Halloween was great. The party went off without a hitch. The kids were great. Emma had a blast. She was soooo good and just had the best time. We had lots of fun and candy!
that is about all for today'