Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!
So.. I am at work thinking about all that I have to do to get ready for tonight. We already decorated the kitchen. We have the big black spider hanging from the ceiling and lots of lights. The Jack-O-Lantern is on the porch all carved and just waiting to be lite up. So now I just have to go and get all the goodies for tonight. Clean the living room of all Emma's toys and the bathroom. Take care of the dogs and wait for all the kids to get there. I think I will get some apps and stuff for after the trick or treat too!
Jack is getting ready too. He has to go get hay for the hay ride and get the trailer ready for it. He has Emma today and they are going out to lunch with Bev and John at Red Robin. I am sure Emma will just an angel!! hehehehe
Ok.. that is all for now

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