Thursday, February 26, 2009

Emma Update

Yup... its pink eye. She is doing pretty good with it and will be back at daycare tomorrow. Today she is home with her Dad. I have to say that I really wish I was home with her but I stayed home on Monday and left early yesterday sooooo today is his turn, and I know that he loves it.

I just had Potroast soup for lunch. It was by Progresso and is only 2 pts for the whole can. It wasn't bad. I did however eat it with a big piece of french bread with of course butter on it.. yummmooooo. And for dessert... Mint Girl Scout Cookies!!!

I am pretty busy at work. Seems like lots of little things to do but that take forever to clear up. UGH

As I am updating my blog I am watching All My Children. It is my fav. soap and I watch it every day. right now Crystal is bring a jerk! ugh... what has gotten into her?? oh that is right.. DAVID.. BIG JERK! I like Zach a lot and don't like the way that Kendall has been with him..

Ok.. back to watching..
Have a great day

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