Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It is only Tuesday... Emma woke up at 4:00 this morning. She wasn't happy and didn't seem to have anything wrong. Brought her to the living room and hung out in there until about 6:00. Got her to my room where she sat on the bed and fell back asleep with her daddy. They were both sleeping when I left this morning.... soooo sweet!

Weekend update:

Friday night... Cards! We played Spoons again. It was great fun and a great night was had by all!

Saturday.. Jack, Emma and I took Chloe and Cole up town to get there shots. It was crazy with dogs and Chloe just couldn't help herself when she say them all. Cole was a very good boy but Chloe was tooooooo excited. We got there shots and on our way out the dogs tripped Jack and he broke his foot! Great fun. Saturday night I made great Bacon Cheese Burgers for dinner they were great!!!! hmmmmmmm

Sunday... We didn't do much. We did breakfast club. This week it was us, Carey, Martin, Adam and Mike and Jenny came too. Jack with his broken foot and all went to plow his field he is farming this year so Emma and I went and visited Tracey at her new house. Stopped for a visit at Jack's field and that was about it. Carey, Martin and Adam came over and Carey made a great Lasagna...

that is all for my weekend update!!

Yesterday was a busy day at work. I am having issues with some loans and have no idea how to fix it... ugh

ok.. bye bye for now

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