Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Monday.. umm... I mean Tuesday

No work for me yesterday so I am a day behind.. that is ok with me maybe it will make the day go by faster!!

We had a great weekend. We went to breakfast with Martin, Carey and Adam and then we all went to Stew Leonards in Ct. What a great store. I look forward to going back very soon.

Yesterday Emma and I hung out. Carey and Adam came over later in the day and we had a great visit. Emma was a bit off but she seemed to recover after and eat and then went to bed. She wants 100% of my attention these days and doesn't like it when it isn't on her... lol.. I think I could have a little diva on my hands.. lol.. that would be my mom getting me back.. lol

Tupperware.. ok.. mailing is going out tomorrow. I forgot to put it in the mail today.. but that will give me time to call them on lunch. I was also on our conf. call last night and I won $50!!! I am very excited about that.

Ok.. off to do work.. what is with that anyway.. it is really starting to interfer with my social life.. j/k


Anonymous said...

Aiden wants all of my attention all of the time too. I LOVE spending so much time with him, but at some point I would like to be able to go to the restroom by myself!

And yay! Congrats on your $50 win!

April said...


Glad I am not alone.. lol.. I am sure this too shall pass