Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday is here. What more can I say! I have to work tomorrow from 9-12 and then I have Monday and Tuesday off. Come back to work for Wed, Thur, and Friday and have the following week off (Thanksgiving week). I am pretty happy about all this.

Tupperware is moving a long. I have my party on Sunday! and hope very much for a good turn out and cross my fingers (and toes) someone books a party. I also have one set for Friday and she may reschedule it. I hope that I can get it in in November I want so bad to get the sauce pan for free!!!

Emma is doing great. I had ordered some Tupperware and it came in a good size box. WELL that box is the best thing she has gotten in a long time.. she just loves it. OMG.. she is so funny. She even put all her babies in it with her.... toooooo cute for words..

I think Jack and I are going to try and put all the stuff on the deck away this weekend... but if it rains I don't think that is going to happen.. ugh.. mother nature !

Ok.. maybe I will post tomorrow while I am at work.... otherwise I will catch you on the flip side

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