Tuesday, December 23, 2008


OK.. today is my last day of work till January 5th.. OMG.. I am so excited to have all that time with Emma Bean. Today she got her present from daycare. Stephanie got her dress up clothes and I have to say she just loves it!! so funny. My baby is such a girl!!

So I am off to lunch with the girls after work and then I have to do a bit of food shopping. After that I am going home to get Jack and the Bean and then we are off to Target to get a few minute things.

Once home and Emma is in bed I will start making my Shortbread. This is the thing that everyone wants from me this time of year. It is good but a pain to make.. so up has to come the kitchen aid mixer and I will be in the kitchen for hours... good thing there is a tv in there.. lol

ok.. I am off like a prom dress

1 comment:

Carey said...

Happy New Year!!!