Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Thought of the day.... why do I live in New England when I hate winter? UGH.. really .. I can't wait for spring. I do know why I live here. It is because there is no way I could leave my family. But come on spring.... I am ready for you..

Emma is feeling much better. I have to say that even her nose seems to have already stopped running. She was in a great mod this morning. Jack left at 6:30 for work so it was just us girls this morning. She did however have to wear Jack' Yale baseball cap to daycare. She is so funny.

I am making hamburgers for dinner. We have some nice fresh rolls and we will have oven fries. I am going to make Emma a "little" burger just for her. I am not sure if she will eat it or not but we will see. She does eat the fries so that will make her happy!! lol

Work is work lately. I am busy tring to clean up my desk. Students come back on Wednesday next week and it really starts to get busy from there till about July.

Ok.. back to the desk!! lol

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